View Profile dj-padman1

419 Audio Reviews

298 w/ Responses

mega man!

ahhh, memories.

I like the frantic build up before the main melody. And the melody itself is highly enjoyable with some excellent sound choices. I think the french horn instrument is best, at least I think its a french horn! It starts the track off and also plays the main theme. Nice low note stabs keeping the chord progression flowin'.

Nice one! You need to check out Darkside555 if you're into Megaman remakes ;)

EchozAurora responds:

Trumpet + French Horn
gotta love soundfonts.
I might try orchestrating some other songs like this, depends on what I get the time to do. There is a classical/DnB/trance fusion collab in the works, but it is in the early stage.


Man, you've got some critics! But this track..ok, loop ;) is really cool. The beats give it a contemporary electro feel, as do the vocals very nicely stuttered in there. The vocal rolls along really well and goes together extremely effective with the high female voice kind of synth.
Its ominous and dark, and once again, if it appeared in a sci fi movie or any action movie really in an industrial, covert ops, biological manipulation (lol) context it would fit like a glove.

the tension!

Impressive loop once again. That harsh, shifting, screamy lead is what makes the track great. There's some damn awesome modulation to it. Is it Maelstrom?
Relentless bassline suits very well. Very good fx at the start of the sequence, the crashing sound works well. The drums seem very tight, I dont really understand what that guy was saying about random percussion. The other review about its suitability to a sci-fi movie is spot on.
Over and out man, hit us with some complete tracks!

sweet as

Well, its definitely the most enjoyable loop I've heard recently.
I love the flanged/phasered pad part, it breathes with the track so ominously. The two bass types of sounds create such a grungy, industrial sound, I really like it!
It could easily stretch into a whole track I reckon.
Cool beats as well, as usual, I'm digging the hats. The clap/snare you've got in there could be a bit louder, thats the only grumble I can come up with.
Keep goin' man. :)

nice work

Cool man, those rhythms are really excellent. You get a really energetic pulse outta those hihats. And the wooden, hollow kind of sound playing the riff gives it an upbeat kind of clubby house feeling.
I was really hoping for a cool bass to come, but I guess its just a taster. By all means, finish it. But dont go overboard with those fx though! That kind of crashing sound would be best for the transitions I reckon. Or maybe once every 8 bars or so?

acid bubblebath

i didn't know it was possible to make such cool acid sounds using 3X OSC! Did ya use Sytrus for the acid and 3 OSC of the other bass and lead parts.

Well, the song is nice and hardcore, just like I enjoy. The acid was excellent, and the atmospheric sweeps and fx were really good. The acid got really good after the hats started! The kind of descending riff, the filter sweep with the 303 kind of sound is gold!

Some of the intro sounds seemed a little bit out of place, the offbeat bass for example was a little bit distracting, I wanted to enjoy the fx and acid as an intro before the main pulse of the song started. If you brought it in with the hats it would feel a little bit more balanced in my opinion, still keep in mind thats just an opinion.

Really good man, you've definitely got the techno spirit!

DarkMcShadowX responds:

Yup 3x ocs basicly can do enything u just gota figure out how to use it.
Yea theres a cuple of sytrus sounds in there. But they were custimized.
Fx were hard to do i think u mean by fx is when that acid synth charges up and down so that took a while.

Ah that Intro couldent could hade bin a bit longer I see what u mean.

Damit i allways started it to quikly.
Intros are hard to do tho. for me. I got an amazing one coming up =p

Yup TECHNO FOR LIFE tehe. Ive bin lisining to techno for what 4 years now? started making music on my 5th year i dono i lost track. I think i got into techno when i was lisining to newgrounds techno so Thanks Newgrounds!

-- DarkMcShadowX --


Excellent atmosphere. The instrument choice for the melodic flute like instrument is superb and its level of expression is moving.

I thought the entry of the string section was extremely well done. The flow of the notes flawless, but do I detect some digital clipping?

Such an ephemeral mood evoked with the addition of the vocal. Thats what really got hooked on the track. Harmonizes beautifully with the flute and the low strings.

Well, another absolutely pro track man. Keep doing your thing!

MaestroRage responds:

There is more then likely some clipping on this piece, I put way too much treble in it, and will more then likely construct another version with the background chords louder and the flutes softer.

The choir was my favorite part too... I just enjoy a good choir so much.

Thank you for the kind and supportive words padman! I'll keep up the effort to bring more works to the public ^^. Thanks for the review, once again i'm glad you liked it!


Well, the thing that impresses me the most about this track is the interplay between the elements. The low strings and the solo strings, the flute and the strings, and the choir too.

With that percussion and the 'warrior cry' sample it really reminds me of Age Of Empires. In fact, I can easily imagine this slipping into the latest form of that series. Actually, no-one would deny this track would have a place in any professional production. Movie, game, or otherwise.

I tend to think that the bell sounds are highly effective. It seems to have caused a few mixed comments, but to create an icy image is there any better way? Tried and tested.

Very nice how the flute took over the solo violins role (at least I think its a violin) as the lead instrument. And just when I'm considering how wonderful strings would sound returning into the fray, you deliver! I like the change in mood here, less uncertainty, seems like action looms close!

Well, another first rate effort, thanks for making it!

MaestroRage responds:

Thanks dj-padman1, thanks for listening! The piece was for me a great undertaking, it is to date the most worked on piece I have ever done. Normally I spend a day or two on a song tops before I have to move on due to overwhelming amount of ideas that get angry at not being given a chance to live, but this one told them all to kindly shut their trap.

2 weeks, changing deleting, rearranging, making fun of mothers, the whole boat!

I'm glad you liked the bells, I am not regretful at having them, they in my eyes achieve a certain attribute for the piece that would otherwise not be there.

In the final version the violin has a shorter role, I felt the sound was too abrasive to the ears if you listened to it more then once, and a mix of flutes plays a bigger role.

I'm grateful for the review padman, thank you for it. I'm glad you liked it!

nice one

good structure, reminds me of some Mario 64 music. The new trancy lead is a very effective addition to the original loop. Simple but effective.
Keep it up!
Good energetic beats and the bass is well mixed. I was hoping for some more special fx but you do have that rising effect in the middle. I can imagine some stabs really working well.

kliker responds:

Thx for you review and rating. I like when people say some true facts about my music. I'll keep that in my next submission.


That initial synth is gold man...really sounds like Daft Punk.
Good entry into the main part. Kind of a weird sounding arp at the start there man, it sounds a little bit off! But the bass and the trance lead after that go together perfect.
Waiting for the guitar!? :) Oh, the first synth was a mad guitar hey?
Good solid beats when you get the hihat pumping.
Too short!

Sounding good, just watch out, a couple of the notes sound a little bit off-key!
You gonna finish it?

DarkMcShadowX responds:

cool. I dont think i ever lisin to daft punk yet. Yea that arp was custimized sound i think i made it to mucht eletronic so yea i got the bigining perfec except for the notes.

But im working on a new dark song 0-0
im in the mood for darkness MUHA!
But i suck at my notes so im gona use tomorow and the weekends to practice my notes. then work on the notes for my song ill show a demo tho
Tip =p its a sample sound in sytrus
if u want to use that gitur sound.

Your my favorite reader =D

Yea ill try and finish it if i find it on my pc here.

PS. im submiting a full verison of a song i hade on here That i never submited.
Laters im out.

-- DarkMcShadowX --

Patrick Champion @dj-padman1




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