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Damn thats some fine d 'n' b. The thick rolling bass hit the spot, and the lead and piano harmonising with it gave it instant computer game potential.
Nice trancy midsection, filtering a little abrupt at the end there. Some nice strings to finish.
Full marks for drum programming here, it rocks, the little snare rolls for the main parts were really awesome. I thought perhaps there were a few too many splash cymbals going on in the background sometimes.
Minor concerns though..this is an excellent track.

Gotta 5 this beast.

cornandbeans responds:


Its my first full D'n'b track, glad you liked it! The first version had some really loud annoying cymbals, so I guess I should have turned them down a bit more. :P I really don't know how to end songs smoothly.. maybe you could share some knowledge? I'm a bit inexperienced when it comes to those.. heh. Thanks for the helpful review!



My type of music. Excellent thick atmosphere here. Great rumbling glitchy chaos at the beginning, great sample.
Into the scratchy section with the chugging bass. Great gritty groove and it doesn't even have a beat yet.
The beat is ace when you drop it in, the hi-hats are very confrontational but it works. The high blips are clean and crisp so nice contrast there. Some very good fx and strange synth (possibly vocal) contortions behind the scenes.
Excellent track, just it seems later that the bass causes some compression issues and swamps the rhythm.
I look forward to your future works, if they're half as good as this I'll be stoked.

orange-peel responds:

Thanks for the comprehensive review. I will take what you said into consideration and check out that bass/compression issue:)
Thanks again.

Hits the mark!

Extremely game/movie worthy, I'm very, very impressed with this one! It would have been nice to see it get number 1 on the weekly charts, I think it very much deserves it.
The production up to the strings with the ascending fx is very classy. Into a very great chord progression that sounds very much in the spirit of trance. The track drives along energetically, and is always exciting. Nice busy synths and mixed very well. Only complaint, the kick is a little swamped at times.
There's a lot to enjoy here, exciting twists and turns.
Again, awesome production in the lulls in the track, and the transitions into the action packed parts are really well done.

Aahh, very good production on the close. Superb track.

DavidOrr responds:

Thanks for the review!

I'm surprised that only the kick sounds swamped. I had a really tough time eqing this song since I have a lot of distortion , reverb, and other effects. I went crazy with Automation on this piece, there are knobs turning everywhere and such. I'm still not real happy with it though. It's just a sketch, the final much more polished version will go on my CD eventually.

Thanks again for the review and support!

What can I say?

Top stuff! Some things just can't get any better.
Well, maybe some wavetable pad flipping digital waveforms every 16th note over the top, but hey...:P

orange-peel responds:

hahaha:D ok i'll try that out!
Thanks for the review.


Mozart Amadeus who?

This is an original composition? I'm mightily impressed at your grasp of chords and musical structure.
It sounds like something I would hear on the classical music radio station i be sometimes be to tuneskying into.

Excellent build to the hectic part, and I'm detecting some tasty jazz influences which I really dig.
It might not appeal to the Zelda freaks on this site, but you've won my acclaim.

P.S 'We Love Candy' is a joke track.!!

WinTang responds:

Thanks a lot for your positive remarks!!

P.S. Did you read my mind? I listened to that track and I thought it really sucked ass so I just kept my mouth shut about it XD. That is a big relief!


Enchanting piece you have here, even an electronic savage like me can appreciate the sweet flow of the track. Some excellent chords with an impressive amount of expression with your well placed delays and short bursts at times and there's probably a better way to describe that!

A fine evolution of the song, some nice major chords there, melding into nostalgic and bittersweet, back to the main theme.

I enjoyed it heaps, I must listen to your others! Perhaps someday down the line you'll add some strings or woodwinds to this piece? I would love to hear it. ;)

DavidOrr responds:

Glad you enjoyed the piece! I always personally play all of my parts in my music, because it makes it much easier to get that expressive sound. When you plug in the notes to a sequencer or a notation program, it's much harder to get that same sound.

I am planning on adding some orchestal parts to the background eventually.

Thanks for the support!

(good luck on garageband with your stuff, hope you do well!)

Top work!

You know, this track is very awesome!
Great atmosphere.
I reckon the kick and the hihat in the start are spot-on. The clap is a little bit common but it still works fine.
The bassline is simple but really good and the progression its playing is classic and catchy. It sounds really great when it hits those higher notes throughout the song.
The arp harmonizes very nicely with it, its impossible not to enjoy this one. The piano adds interesting depth to the mix. The part is pretty busy but the track holds together well.
Some excellent strings used as a transitional element. Nice reversed crash cymbal into the chorus. The hihat kind of disappears from the last part of the track though, I wonder if you wanted it to?
Well, the track is quite simple and straightforward, but its very impressive. Keep it up!

bjoaierjbioaerjgoerj responds:

it sounded good for me when it didn't play at the end.I like the strings too. thanx for the great review man.

Hey man

It's just a loop so I don't have that much to say, but I just wanted to let you know that I think your beats are getting much better. This is your best rhythm out of all the songs I've heard from you!
The pad is pretty cool, but how about some reverb? Could make the track a bit smoother.
Anyway, keep working on your music!

Spikrodd responds:

the song i submitted before this one is the wrong one, first.

just letting everyone know! :)


Thank you for your good review, this one was actually part of my spook song that was meant to be released, or was it techno, idk XD

just look out for my stuff tomorrow

Very nice

Good beat and very nice piano over some nice rhodes chords in the intro. Sounds like a bit of a phaser on it which is a nice touch.

When you drop the beat and introduce those chords, it sounds like Daft Punk! Very cool fluttery effect in the transition before it. Very catchy groove. The beat comes back nicely. But where is the bass? I think that would really make it complete.

At the end I hear a really nice jazzy rhodes piano or something that cuts out suddenly. Damn, I wanted it to go on longer!

Don't be depressed anymore. This is a cool track :)

ZehPhantom responds:

wow , thanx very much for this long review! Lol i like the end also the most.
Im not depressed anymore , i am making great projects wich are a little bit like this song.
Thank you very much for your great positive review , greatly appreciated!

Patrick Champion @dj-padman1




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