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419 Audio Reviews

298 w/ Responses

Needs some work

I have to say I enjoy your techno a lot more, I think you may need to rethink a couple of aspects of this one.

The sub-bass (kind of) that plays from the start and for quite some time is way too resonant and quite off-putting. The rhythm of it is quite clunky, you need something more incisive and agile. Is it clipping perhaps as well? Lose it anyway.

The synth that comes in later is much too clean and wholesome, you need to dirty it up at least 300%. It's just too happy in general, when the bass is kind of foreboding and dark.

The beats are really great, I fully endorse them! Way better than I could program.

Sorry if I sound harsh by the way, this is just my opinion and feel free to zero vote on all my work if it makes you happy :) I'm cool with that.

Triskele responds:

NO! It's good to get constructive criticism.

I originally programed the beats in basic 4/4, and then offset some of them so that they were synchopated. I think they turned out great.

The Happy/Dark thing as purposeful, as was the clipped bass, and I like how both of them ended up. Sorry they didn't sit well with you.

Actually, I like the string-synth as well...that was actually a found loop, and I like how it contrasts with the rest of it.

Anyway, thanks for the review, I'll return the favor!

third chemical brother

Sounds like something the Chemical brothers might come up with.

I enjoy it a lot but the offbeat synth stab you have going on in the first section, and the offbeat bass in the last section have GOT TO GO!

Other than that, the bass and beats in this one rock!

Nice song

Hey, enjoyable song.

The mix was really spot-on, proper introduction of the elements and everything.

The love the snare on the 2 and the 4, but the busier snare got a little bit tired I have to say.

The breakdown when you drop the beat worked nicely, but personally, I don't think bringing back the grungy bass just before the piano comes in and during the next section really fit with the piano. The piano was very pleasing by the way.

Overall, I like this a lot. Keep up the great work!

Unique piece

The bass in this one is phat! Drums at the start were wicked.

I think the arp you use after the drums are introduced might be a tad busy, some of the chords at the end of it seem to clash a little bit too much with the organ.

Ahh, the organ, you don't hear that very often in drum and bass but it gives it a nice Kill Bill feel. It might be 10% funkiness overkill though, I would personally introduce it a tad slower. And when the sustained organ chords come in, it's definately clashing with the bass. Maybe drop the bass a little at that point?

I'm loving the square arpeggiator that comes in towareds the end!

Overall, killer song and I'd love to hear it in its finished form.

WinTang responds:

Interesting things there. Yeah, I have been a bit lazy on the bass, I just loop it and transpose to subdominant after the part with the sustained organ chords.

I think I'll fade the organ part in, because I like the chaos to enter quickly, but I can imagine your remark on the "funkiness overkill". That arpeggio will probably remain the way it is though, I love the clashing of the chords - I'm often looking for a hint of bitonality when I'm aiming for a creepy feel.

Thanks a lot for your detailed and helpful review man, when it's finished I'll review some of your stuff and point you to the final version :)

Iron helps us play

A fairly good knockoff of budget producers like Nick Skitz and the like.

Good work on getting it gold, believe me, I played no part in getting it there.

Draze responds:

"I played no part in getting it there." are you trying to say something? lol

And why a 6 overall?

Thank you for the review anyhow.
~ X-Digital

Generic, uninspired

The chord progression you used has been done to death, the arps are cheesey as hell and then the piano begins.

You don't have to lock everything to eighth notes you know, a chord, or flourish, or maybe, hope against hope, a pause for silence every now and then would be nice. I know the piano lines are more varied either side of the main sequence, but it's just too continuous and in your face in the main part.

This will appeal to the Newgrounds crowd, but this to me, is just too derivative and cliched.

You've got a lot of fans it seems, but I'm not one of them.

XsToRmEr1 responds:

You stick with your formula, I'll stick with mine. Mine seems to work better.

Could have more bite.

Nice track, good pad work at the start and end.

The bass line that kicks in at the main section didn't do anything for me. It sounds a bit childish and that 'car screech' synth sounds straight from general midi and a bit cheap.

The drum programming was the best element of the track. I'm impressed. The sub worked nicely as well.

BTW, good work becoming so succesful on this site, I hope outside of it is the same :)

Your names ParagonX9

First of all, congratz on getting your music onto the front-page.

This song didn't too much for me I have to admit. It was mixed really well and the structure was effective, but it was pretty bland and formulaic.

It didn't contain any novel elements and was monontonous in my opinion.

It sounds like something a somewhat talented producer whipped up in 10 minutes. If this track was on a modern compilation it wouldn't come close to cutting the mustard, I'm sorry.

All the best ParagonX9, I understand this is an old track of yours so hopefully since then you've developed and put your own ideas and angles into your productions.

Expands well!

At first, with the solo flute, I thought it sounded like the background music of a kids show....But then the strings came through wonderfully! The piano section at the end was also top notch.

I enjoyed this one, perhaps a few of the solo flute glissandos were a tad irritating but maybe thats just because I used to be in the band at high-school.

Keep it up ;)

Bosa responds:

What I imagines while creating this, was a peaceful track which was suppose to lighten up your feelings. I can understand the Kid's show part.. and the solo flute. I'll learn from these problems.. and fix them in the near future.


Patrick Champion @dj-padman1




Joined on 3/18/06

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